International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Community Dialogue 2024

Feedback report from table discussions 2024


What are 3 key areas that the school board and teachers need to address so all children experience the school as a safer space?

The school board and teachers need to recognize that there is a problem – it was highlighted that people often avoid the topic of racism because they would prefer to believe there are no issues and essentially that racism does not exist in the community. To create a safe space for all children this needs to be addressed. Schools and school boards need to be educated. We need to educate the educators and the parents on what is happening in the school system for change.

Teachers and the school board need to develop standards and policies to address these issues, they need to be proactive. They also need to be reactive and follow up on any incidents of racism that may occur, they need to follow up with all students. This also means that they need to have a standard procedure to support claims of racism but also take them seriously.


How can employers be more involved in ensuring that the rights of all workers are protected?

For racial discrimination to be eliminated in employment, the rights of all workers need to be protected. Employee policies need to be more transparent so that it is clear on both the employee’s and employer’s parts. Employers also need to be more inclusive through their hiring practices and processes in recruitment, promotions, and upward movement need to be available. It was discussed that employers need to understand the challenges of temporary workers/newcomers/immigration status.
Employers also need to have policies on racism and discrimination regardless of the size of the organization, they also need to understand these policies to implement them and protect worker's rights.

What accountability mechanisms can be put in place?

Accountability mechanisms also need to be put in place. It was agreed that employees need to be curious and aware of the existing and non-existing policies. Employees and employers need to advocate for each other.
Qualifications of applicants need to be evaluated regardless of race.
Through the event discussion, it was also highlighted that there should be employer training on foreign workers, there need to be suitable practices for various employee groups in place and Federal/Provincial level advocacy and policies in place.
There needs to be a safe space to practice religion in the workplace.


What does safe and affordable housing mean?

Safer and affordable housing is needs-based; everyone has different needs.
When discussing housing it was agreed that people should not have to depend on an employer for their housing as this can create further discrimination through abuses of power in the workplace and at home because of the close ties between employment and the ability to support themselves and their families. Renters should feel comfortable enough to speak up about their rights and needs without fear of becoming homeless. The community should report unsafe or unfair housing practices.
Rental rates should be tied to affordability based on income, on average housing rent should only use up 30% of income.

How can Whistler increase the supply of safe and affordable housing to everyone?

Whistler needs to change the way they think about housing by thinking outside the existing systems, this is because all existing supplies have been used and there is no available housing left in the community. Whistler Housing continues to do the same thing over and over again and expects different results, this is the definition of insanity. Whistler needs to establish a new way of thinking about housing (especially for absentee owners): Come, enjoy, and give back! There needs to be more around helping marginalized people, if we help those who need it the most, our community will thrive. There also needs to be a change to municipal and provincial legislation, Whistler as a resort is exempt from empty housing tax. For change to happen the people with housing power need to join these discussions.


VCH is committed to addressing systemic racism in healthcare. What are the areas they need to address as a priority - ER, specialty care, long-term care, etc?

The feeling of safety needs to be addressed, this can be done by relationship building between the person and the professional. For a person to feel safe, they need to know that their concerns are valid, it is unacceptable to be stereotyped for the reasons of their medical issues. For example, it is not acceptable to say alcohol use is the reason for IBPOC’s health concern. People need to know they are being heard regardless of their race; professionals need to see the whole person.

There is a lack of access for people who use wheelchairs, this lack of accessibility creates isolation. More spaces/access are needed for electric wheelchair parking spots.

Subtle forms of racism need to be addressed. This could be seen by a lack of services available to a person due to their race.
Intersections of oppression need to be addressed; BIPOC/ Family status/ Employment and both financial and family obligations.
Discriminatory assessments also need to be addressed; professionals need to ask, “When did you last leave the country?” rather than “Where are you from?”. Assumptions and stereotypes are a form of discrimination, sometimes not what you say rather than the way you say it.

The community also raised that there may be a fear that reporting racism could lead to white fragility and holding white feelings. Reporting these issues also requires emotional labor. If racism is reported, this can cause fears of retaliation and experiences of poorer care.